Frau Botella hat in Berlin ein vielfältiges Programm absolviert. Der Tag beginnt mit einem Gespräch in der Handwerkskammer Berlin über mögliche Kooperationsprojekte zwischen Madrid und Berlin. Darüber hinaus nimmt Frau Botella gemeinsam mit dem Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin am Architektur-symposium „Madrid-Berlin Heritage and the Transformation of the City 25th Anniversary of the Berlin Madrid City Partnership“ bei AEDES am Pfefferberg teilnehmen. Dort wird auch die Ausstellung „Madrid moves. Tradition and Modernity“ ausgestellt. Mehr erfahren Sie hier(Externer Link).


Zur Foto-Galerie: 25 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Berlin-Madrid

Vor 25 Jahren – am 4. Novemer 1988 – besiegelten Berlin und Madrid ihre Städtepartnerschaft. Aus Anlass des 25-jährigen Jubiläums hat Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit (SPD) an diesem Montag seine Madrider Amtskollegin, Ana Botella Serrano, in die deutsche Hauptstadt eingeladen.
Zunächst reden beide auf dem deutsch-spanischen Architektursymposium «Heritage and the Transformation of City» (11.00), wie die Senatskanzlei am Freitag mitteilte.
Danach ist ein Gespräch der beiden Stadtoberhäupter in Wowereits Amtszimmer vorgesehen (12.00 Uhr). Wowereit kündigte an, seinen im Juni begonnenen Dialog mit Botella über den Ausbau der Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Architektur, Tourismus und Kultur fortzusetzen. Anschließend trägt sich Botella in das Goldene Buch der Stadt Berlin ein. Zum Abschluss ihres Berlinbesuchs eröffnet die Bürgermeisterin gemeinsam mit Wowereit um 19.00 Uhr den Flamenco-Abend und «Action Painting»“ im ewerk.

Heritage and the Transformation of the City
25th Anniversary of the Berlin Madrid City Partnership

This exchange between Madrid and Berlin examines the role heritage plays in transforming cities. It
focuses on the scale of the architectural design project and that of the urban strategy. Fresh insights
on heritage will be highlighted by the examples and experiences from both cities, as presented by
their key architects, planners and politicians.
Welcome and Introduction
Dr. h.c. Kristin Feireiss, Founding Director, Aedes / ANCB, Berlin
Áine Ryan, Programme Director, ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin
Focusing on the individual project scale:
Rafael de La-Hoz, Director, Rafael de la Hoz Arquitectos, Madrid
Harald Müller, Managing Director, David Chipperfi eld Architects, Berlin
Focusing on the urban planning scale:
Enrique Álvarez-Sala, Partner, Rubio & Álvarez-Sala Estudio de Arquitectura, Madrid
Reiner Nagel, Director, Federal Foundation of Baukultur, Berlin
Mayoral Addresses
The factor of heritage in making political visions for cities
Klaus Wowereit, Mayor of Berlin
Ana Botella Serrano, Mayor of Madrid
Introduction: ‘Intervention in 20th Century Heritage: Approaches, Process and Sensitivity’, by
Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros, Founder and Chairman, Espinosa de los Monteros &
Arquitectos Asociados, Madrid and
Jörg Haspel, State Curator and Director, Berlin Heritage Conservation Authority, Berlin
followed by a discussion with the four keynote speakers.
Madrid Moves. Tradition and Modernity
Madrid Moves aims to refl ect the then and now of a lively city that is transformed according to
the needs of the times and the commitment to its citizens to provide a quality living habitat that respects the environment. Anyone visiting Madrid may feel, in the streets, the pulse of the city and the joy of its people. Avant-garde architecture, with works by some of the best professionals of the time, make it a point of reference for its followers.
Welcome: José Francisco Garcia, Director General de Patrimonio Cultural y Calidad del Paisaje Urbano, Madrid
Exhibition: 5 November – 15 November 2013
Opening Hours: Tues-Fri 11am-6.30pm, Sat-Sun 1-5pm

Rafael de La-Hoz is director of Rafael de la Hoz Arquitectos. He has managed his own architectural studio for more than two decades, specialising both in urban planning projects and in the design and construction of notable architectural complexes in Spain and abroad. For his architectural work he has received several awards. He is a visiting lecturer at national and international universities and also holds a Master’s degree in Management for Construction and Property Companies from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Harald Müller started working for David Chipperfi eld Architects in 1994 as an associate architect
in Berlin. After the practice won the competition for the Neues Museum, Harald founded the Berlin offi ce of David Chipperfi eld Architects, together with Mark Randel and Eva Schad in 1998. Since then he has been managing director of the offi ce and became a partner in 2011. Harald is responsible for the management of numerous projects, including the Neues Museum in Berlin, the Museum of Modern Literature in Marbach am Neckar and the Amorepacifi c Headquarters in Seoul.
Enrique Álvarez-Sala Walther is an architect and an urban planner. He is an associate professor
of the Department of Construction at ETSAM since 1983, a housing advisor at the COAM Cultural
Foundation and director of the Master in Advanced Techniques for Construction at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Enrique and his partner Carlos Rubio founded Rubio & Álvarez-Sala in 1980.
Recent projects include the PWC Tower in the former Real Madrid Sports City, the Indra Headquarters in Torrejon de Ardoz, the Madrid-Rio project and the Mahou-Vicente Calderon Urban Plan in Madrid.
Reiner Nagel is an architect and urban planner and since May 2013 director of the Federal
Foundation of Baukultur. Previously, he was head of the Berlin Senate Department for Urban
Development in the areas of urban development and public space planning (since 2005). Since
1986 Reiner has worked in various capacities at district and senate level for the city of Hamburg, most recently in the management of HafenCity Hamburg GmbH. He is a lecturer of Urban Design at the TU Berlin and a member of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Spatial Planning.
Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros established EMA Architects in 1983. The offi ce has
worked on a range of high profi le projects from architectural and interior design to landscape and urban design. EMA has taken part in signifi cant interventions concerning Spanish heritage. Fernando has also authored numerous articles regarding architectural heritage and housing development. He is vice-president of the ISC20C (International Scientifi c Committee for 20th Century Heritage of ICOMOS) and President of the AEPPAS20 (Spanish Association for the Preservation of 20th Century Architectural Heritage).
Jörg Haspel studied architecture and town planning as well as art history and empirical cultural science. He worked as a preservationist at the Hamburg Senate Department of Cultural Affairs / Heritage Protection between 1982 and 1991. Since 1995 he has been head of the Berlin Heritage Conservation Authority. He is a founding member of the ICOMOS International Scientifi c Committee on 20th Century Heritage. Jörg also lectures at the TU Berlin and has been involved in numerous research projects, studies and publications on the history of art and architecture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and on heritage conservation.

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25 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft Berlin-Madrid


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